AP Rotary Operates Critical Water Station

Outstretched arms pass much needed water


A vital service was provided by Asbury Park Rotary for the City’s 5K Race through the streets of Asbury Park, ending on the boardwalk.  About 20 Rotarians and family came out to support a water station on the hot, sweltering August 13, 2016 summer day where thousands of runners participated. 

Sweat-equity was the donation as Rotarians set up the tables, filled the cups, gave out the water and cleaned up on one of the hottest days this year.  Rotary is alive and well in Asbury Park.

Tom P, Tony B, Natan, Dan, Dina, Denise R, Vince, Brenda, Roy, Rich, Linda, Kip, Jackie, Gail, Brian M, Tom G, Jim (not pictured are Josh, Catherine and Jim Campbell)

Tony B, Dan and Roy set up the water cups
Jim and Denise patiently await the runners

Josh and Catherine team up

It looks like a hurricane hit after the last runners go by

Rich, Brian M, Jackie and Tom G of the clean up crew take over