We were fortunate to have Thomas “Tom” Kilgannon, President of Freedom Alliance, speak and share his organization’s mission with us. Their mission is to advance the American heritage of freedom by honoring and encouraging military service, defending the sovereignty of the United States and promoting a strong national defense. But the aspect of their program that Tom focused on was their emphasis on caring for our fallen or wounded veterans; our national heroes. Tom shared story after story of how ordinary men and women enact extraordinary heroic deeds, and how with those actions they sometimes lose their lives leaving behind families who need support and assistance, or they return home wounded either physically and/or in their hearts and minds. Through the dedicated team at Freedom Alliance, veterans and the families of fallen warriors can find peace and a way to move forward with their lives. Their two main programs are: 1. Supporting the troops by supplying housing, vehicles, wheelchairs and other items necessary for daily living; and 2. Their Scholarship Programs provides more than $1.m/year for students to attend college. Currently 398 students are attending school through this program. It is a living memorial for the student of the service their parent gave to our country. For more information on their program and upcoming events visit their website: www.freedomalliance.org or contact Tom at tom.kilgannon@freedomalliance.org.