The Rotary Club of Asbury Park will be hosting the Annual Installation and Dinner to recognize Club and Foundation officers at Deal Golf and Country Club on Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM. 
Please plan to attend to say Thank You to President Paul Annunziata, and welcome Tony Chambrovich as our new President for the 2023-2024 term of office.
Also attending this event and swearing in our President and officers is Past District Governor Bill Donnelly of the Red Bank Rotary Club (PDG Bill has agreed to step in for the incoming 2023-2024 District Governor Tom Kozempel, as Tom has a schedule conflict and is unable to attend). Thank you, PDG, Bill! 
RSVP BEFORE July 4, 2023
Click here to RSVP. 
Please sign up for this event and plan on attending to support incoming President Tony Chambrovich, your 2023-2024 officers, and incoming District Governor Thomas Kozempel. 

We will be awarding a Paul Harris Fellow to Peg Orr, in remembrance of our beloved friend and fellow Rotarian, Howard Orr. 

A second Paul Harris Fellow award from our club will be awarded to a deserving Asbury Park Rotarian who works tirelessly to continue our programs and community outreach both in everyday life and in the life of a Rotarian.  
We are now on Venmo! To pay via Venmo, search for the user name @rotaryclubofap 
You can also write a check made payable to Rotary Club of Asbury Park 
Questions? Contact Jackie Boruch at or 732-241-7927